
본문 바로가기


Byung-Jo Yun (b.1946 Korean)

VR View
The work is bound to contain the artist's intention, but the viewer does not have to interpret the work the same as the artist. This is because, as the basis of art is freedom, the aura of the work will be detected differently depending on the appreciation plan (鑑賞眼). Even if it does not match the artist, communication between the artist and the nostalgic (享受) becomes possible and complementary only when there is an audience who can make their own subjective evaluation.

A new calligraphy climate will be created if all viewers who encounter 雨雨 can freely develop their sentimental theories, and calligraphy will be activated when various subjects are scattered, even if they collide with each other and interfere with each other. If 雨雨 causes a stir in the quiet calligraphy world and encourages discourse, the calligraphy criticism culture will make great progress.

A 雨雨 is the work of collecting letters and shaping them. It is believed that it will play a little role in opening the world of "visible calligraphy" easily rather than reading and reading letters. I hope that my 雨雨 will not only provide beautiful healing to fatigue-soaked modern people, but also become a fresh refresher like a pile of Bongsan Mask Dance in a cloudy material civilization.
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Educational background

Graduated from Yongsan High School
Graduated from Korea University Department of Forest Resources


Artwork Location

National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art (MMCA) Art Bank
National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art Government Art Bank
Korea University Museum
Hanyang University Museum
Heojun Museum
省 秦始皇兵 俑 Museum in 陝, China
福建省 張雄 Museum of Art in China
Korea University Central Library

Exhibition and project history

solo exhibition
2023 Art Continuation Invitational Exhibition (AC Gallery, Paju, Gyeonggi-do)
2018 Sejong Center for the Performing Arts in Seoul
2016 張雄 Museum of Art in 福建省 廈, China
2014 미국 House of Writers Art Hall
2014 Las Vegas Hotel
2012 Gana Insa Art Center, Seoul
2011 Seoul Insa Art Plaza
2010 Gyeongin Museum of Art, Seoul
2008 Seoul Arts Festival
2006 Bunam Museum of Art, Seoul

group match
2022 to 2023 New Year's Hope Writing Exhibition (Mapo Cultural Foundation Gallery, Seoul)
2019 to 2022 Cheondogyo Central Association's 乃 展 (Korean Museum of Art)
2022 Ancient Homie Rotation (Gyeongin Museum of Art)
2020 China Korea-China Public Interest Art Exhibition (for COVID-19 eradication) Xiamen City, Fujian Province, China)
2022 Gangseo Calligraphy Association Exhibition (Seoul, Gallery) - Once a year
2018 South Korean Book 品展 - Xiamen Municipal Museum of Art
2017 Yeosu International Art Festival (YIAF. Yeosu Expo Exhibition Hall)
2016 exhibition of Chinese and Chinese calligraphy masterpieces, Han 風 翰墨拱秀 (Hamun City, Fujian Province, China)
2015 Ancient 65 Bronze Exhibition (Seoul Gana Insa Art Center)
2014 Ancient American Art Exhibition (Sejong Cultural Center)
2012 Art16 Exhibition (Seoul Jungwoo Gallery)
2011 展 (Seoul Insa Art Plaza)
2011 Woljeong Muk Yeonjeon (Korean Museum of Art in Seoul)
2010 Samgaenaru Mukbit Exhibition (Mapo-gu Office Gallery, Seoul)
2010 Yongmi Rotation (Seoul Sejong Center for the Performing Arts)
2008 Woosong Seosuk Exhibition (Seoul Yechonghwarang)
2007 Special Exhibition of Korean Calligraphy Invited by 考 宮岐縣 Museum (宮岐縣)
2006 Dongin Exhibition, Korean Society for Whole Perspective Studies (La Mer Gallery, Seoul)
2004 International Circulation of Warring States (Paris Manila, Busan and other countries)
2003 Seoul Calligrapher Association Exhibition (Honam Sagetae Gallery, Jangsa City, Honam Province, China)
2003 Hangul Calligraphy Festival (Seoul Arts Center)
2003 Korean Beauty Color Exhibition (Seoul Insa Art Plaza)
2002 Coreas Art Festival (Seoul Gongpyeong Art Center)
1999 Invitation Exhibition of the Emperor's Military Manpower Museum of China (Seoan City, China's Hyeopseo Province)