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Gyung-Hee Lee(Korean)

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I always start my work with questions.
The folly of a fool, shall I should I say?

What is the truth?
Fact = Is it true?
It may change depending on which perspective, which aspect, and how you wrap it,

I want to firmly believe that the truth will come out over time
Is that really true?
Isn't history also recorded from the perspective of the winners in some ways?

What is the truth we want to know, and should we know?

Everything is born, lives, and disappears constantly,
It seems certain that it's been circulating for a period of time,

Do human beings live by beautifying, exaggerating, distorting, manipulating, concealing, and misleading facts at every moment?

Looking forward to finding the sage's answer to the author's right sentence...

Every day, every day
To cover the disposable plastic spoon
Subconsciously continue to repeat actions.

Disposable products that represent the characteristics of modern people,
The most natural thing is to cover, cover, cover, and...

Every time I tear it up one by the way
Like hiding my bad discipline
I hope you can stick it on and cover it's...

The more you do that, the more you can see it
shapes of plastic spoons
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Educational background

Graduated from Hongik University's Department of Art Education


Artwork Location

Exhibition and project history

a solo exhibition
2020 Individual Exhibition 2nd "The World We've Made" Exhibition (Gallery Unique, Seoul)
2017 1st Individual Exhibition 'Afterwards (Greeting Gallery, Seoul)

a booth solo exhibition
2019 NDAF Exhibition (Hangaram Art Museum, Seoul, Seoul)
2017 Another Story Exhibition (Seoul Arts Center 7th Gallery)

a group exhibition
2020 9 people 9 colors (Gallery Street, Seoul)
2019 A Space Between Us Exhibition (Gallery Is, Seoul)
2019 Frontier Project 2019 Participation (Gallery Art World, Seoul)
2018 Move Again Exhibition (Personnel Arts Center, Seoul)
2016 Nature + People + Art Harmony 3 色 Exhibition (Pocheon Banwol Art Hall Exhibition Room, Pocheon)
2016 Neo. Jeon (Topo House Art Center, Seoul)
2016 Language Exhibition on the Border (Baum Art Gallery, Seoul)
2014 Incheon Contemporary Art Flow Exhibition
China-Korea International Art Exchange Exhibition (5th)
Gyung-Hee Lee(Korean) Art works