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Chan-hee Lee(b.1995 Korean)

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I drew the city where I live on the drawing board and captured my daily life with happiness.
Filling the margins with small dots of multiple colors is inefficient and takes longer and longer. Eventually, the meaning of the work you want to show fades, and you find yourself obsessed with the act of drawing dots.
Questions about "why am I obsessed with this act" The answer that follows is "I don't know."
It's hard to explain for sure, but I think it's because of the comfort that comes from repetition, or maybe it's stimulating the original instinct to like colorful colors filled with dots. The subject that we're thinking about overlaying the canvas is often turning into unconsciousness by the time we get to it.
So I decided to include actions that are not meaningful. The bending back and neck, the worn wrist ligaments, and the eyes are also dimming, but the brain covered with dopamine cannot stop working. So I decided to put happiness in my work.
I want to create a work that copies happiness just by being there. I hope the viewer will imagine the artist sitting in front of the panel and taking each piece and completing the painting. I look forward to drawing associations, empathy, and imagination of daily life by appreciating the work for a long time.
I hope it will provide an opportunity to look at yourself living in your own city through the buildings of the burnt city and familiar daily life. I hope that the happiness that I keep pressing will be delivered to the viewers. I hope visitors can imagine how the above work was completed.
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Educational background

Graduated from Konkuk University


Artwork Location

Exhibition and project history

2023 2届邀请个人展(五味美洞画廊)
2023 第一届个人展(Gallery Is)

2021 艺术江南(论岘洞家具一条街)
2021 光芒四射时(安山文化艺术殿堂)
