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Chang-yeol Kang(b.1949 Korean)

VR View
A long time ago, 25-30 years ago, I expressed this. "The East is truly the place where there is constant movement in the field of art," he said.
Just by looking at Namjoon Baek's unique thing that overwhelms the world. Especially in Korea.
From this point of view, I recently got to know an original Korean artist who cannot be classified into any genre, Kang Chang-yeol, whose work is undoubtedly influenced by the deep roots of modern but ecological Korea.
His paintings begin with traditional patterns, decorative motifs, symbolic designs carved on stone or royal tiles, patterns of flowers and animals carved in historical monuments, scenes of shamanism (a form of primitive religion), and so on.
Before being transferred to the canvas, you can first see all the forms of law revealed in Kang Chang-yeol's work, which seems to be trimmed by a computer.
Looking at the progress of his work, it can be said that it resembles that of surrealist writers such as Dali or Max Ernst. However, the formative world revealed in his works is exquisitely combined with his intellectual elements, which are both strange, illogical, and unexpected, but so fascinating. We must not overlook how many times the combinations, destruction and recombination of the materials have been repeated.
All the spiritual and aesthetic things found in time (history) are assembled and reproduced in his paintings. The concept of four-dimensional time is added to the concept of three-dimensional human space, which is the history in which human life on earth has been buried as it is.
Inside his image of the soul, or his dreamy painting, there is an open window, and there is a world of artists that feels very close out of it, but never seems to be able to get close.
Like words that can be understood only in poetry among the genres of literature, his paintings seem to resemble the lives of our human reality.
In Kang Chang-yeol's work, the inevitable composition of materials requires a work process that has almost reached the level of perspective, and his completed work is examined little by little as if digging into the structure of poetry.
Poet Kang Chang-yeol's work process can be seen as a commemorative act for the passing time. Peeling the veil of images hidden in his memory one by one, recreating the dreamy images into a single form, and being willing to reunite with his childhood in his soul.
The realm of dreams and Kang Chang-yeol's work are very extraordinary and unique. The roots of Koreans are still buried. And it reflects the spirit world of this one artist, which resembles Laozi's ideas.
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Educational background


8th Beijing International Art Exposition-Gold Prize.
Artist of Year Award “Wolgan Korea Fine Art Magazine” Award Foundation.
Grand Prize Winner for “Nok Saik Art”(Environmental Art).
Former, Chairman of the Korea Fine Art Association, International Committee(2004~2006)
Chairman of the Korea Fine Art Association, Weste

Artwork Location

Exhibition and project history

New York_ Space Womb Gallery.
LA_FT. Art Gallery.
Paris_Frederic Moisan Gallery.
Germany_Art KARLSRUHE.
Turkey_Contemporary Istanbul.
International Art Expo Malaysia.
2nd BeijingBiennale. China Beijing Art Expo.
88Olympic Seoul International Painting exhibition. MANIF Seoul International Art Fair.
Seoul BangBub(Mathod) Exhibition. S.T Group Exhibition.
35 Solo Exhibitions.
Over 400 Group Exhibitions-International and Domestic.