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hae-ok Lee(b.1963 Korean)

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My Apple story starts with wanting to tell a love story between a man and a woman, so where does it start? It started cheerfully with the curiosity that.
"Love--Adam Eve--Apple"
Adam and Eve committing the original sin by picking apples from the snake's temptation, so... from that moment on?
Or maybe before that?

The story of Adam and Eve is a religious story, but in my work, apples were forbidden for the first time in the Garden of Eden
While picking apples, the fruit, the apple thought it had become a messenger of love, reminiscent of the original human first love
It expresses the elegance and nobility of a woman who blooms with human tenderness and the subject of apples
I named it "Pretty Girls."

While working on it, the stereotype that painting is an absolute condition is canvas and paint, and that pottery can also be a painting
After continuing to ask and answer my own questions, I chose the ceramic casting that was a challenging target, and my pretty girls
The elegance and beauty of a woman with gold, platinum, luster, commercial pigments, and hoe-yong pigments, and sometimes the complexity of a woman that is hard to understand
The psychology was expressed freely.
Also on canvas, acrylic and oil painting expresses Adam's inner strength and nature.
In doing so, both men and women become one together in my work, and they play hard to get while talking about each other's love stories.
Everyone in the world is one, but wouldn't we be one from the moment we meet each other's Adam and Eve and fall in love??

"Playing hard to get"

In the beginning he was there and she was there.
Pandora's box opened, and the world beyond the forbidden realm, the forbidden realm, and the forbidden exhalation.
After this, the world has them and they have them.

They had the heavenly benefits of being born and enjoyed, so they pursued and led beauty
It was life as a goddess.
So they came to worship a lot of them.

He said so.
You are my dream and love that is constantly rising.

She said.
My beauty is a gift from heaven for you.
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South Korean Art Association
Korean Artists Association

Educational background

Graduated from Kyungwon University's Department of Applied Art
German Maisen Completion
Completion of the Japanese Commerce and Industry Course


The Minister of Culture Award for the 70th anniversary of Korea's liberation from Japanese colonial rule in 2015
2013 2013 Korean Contemporary Art Beijing Art Festival Excellence Award
2011 Korea Environmental Art Exhibition Critics Award
2011 Kyunghyang Art Exhibition Winner
2010 Italy Como Convention Azarra 11th Personality Award
2010 DAF Special Exhibition
2010 7th Dishcloth Craft, Design Competition Entry

Artwork Location

zhigho art gallery

Exhibition and project history

a private exhibition
2022 Busan Centum Lotte Department Store WAUDAM GALLERY Special Exhibition
2020 Maru Art Center Invitation Exhibition
2017 Terntin Gallery "Push and pull 2"
2017 Tertin Gallery "Push and pull 1"
2014 Capitol "Apple Story"
2013 Seoul Modern Art Show Seoul Arts Center Hangaram Art Museum
2013 Beijing Art Festival zhicao art gallery
2012 Guri Sky Gallery
2012 The Kitchen Gallery
2012 BIAF Busan International Art Fair
2011 DAF Danya Art Fair
2011 Copper Sky Gallery
2010 DAF Danya Art Fair

Group exhibitions and group exhibitions 57 times and many others