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Angela Kim(Korean)

VR View
The first introduction works are scenes where I face my relationship with my parents, younger brother, and myself. Sometimes, if you clean up when your current life is tiring and painful, some of your stress disappears.
At that time, I enjoy time by looking at childhood pictures. Cleaning can end in an hour, but after three hours as I spread out the photos all over the place and looked around, I found myself smiling, and the cleaning went back to square one.
Inspired by the ordinary time, which is nothing special in everyday life, I drew a comfortable scene. Just by looking at the picture, I smile and sometimes imagine actions that are not in the picture.

There were three things that I was most scared and afraid of since I was young: - Author Midori Nakagawa and Eriko Muramatsu in the book, and it was so sympathetic and terrible.
The first of them was, "What if my mother disappeared?" The quote says that my mother was out for a while
If you don't come back... If there's an accident... What if I get sick and die? Negative thoughts frequently bothered me.

The second was eyesight. It is expected to remain in the clearest state with up to seven years of time, but how long can I draw because I am still suffering from astigmatism and dryness? It seems to have come as a great fear that there is not much time left for my parents to look at the painting.

The third was a mental state of mind, which can be said to have the greatest acquired influence.
I have been interested in psychology for a long time, so I studied for a while, but it has already been 19 years since I gave up halfway and couldn't concentrate because I was distracted.
In the recent year of 2019, there were too many people who needed a resting place and energy of their hearts as they worked and consulted with people they encountered.
It is regrettable that we have become a world where we are not understood by each other and live alone with anxiety.
When the time to lose me piled up, I began to search for pieces of longing as a way to overcome my fear. The children's behaviors that appear are childhood images that represent me, and as mentioned in the first daily life, symbolic figures, objects, and animals in the picture appear.
As the emotions changed over the years, I focused on describing the texture based on mental experience.

The experiences were described in the first work, Omen of Psychological, psychologically approaching and symbolizing the actions of the characters.

You gain weight, or you lose a lot of weight, and you're lying on your side, and you're looking at it on a plastic screen, and you're stuck on the floor like you're shocked by something
A distracted child showed psychological symptoms such as repeatedly wandering around, staring blankly at one place without being able to cross over from the sea, or bursting into tears without knowing why.

The exhibition name "I, Understand, you" is a message of comfort to them who have been through mental emotions.
The reason why I chose the sea was that the rocks behind the sea looked agitated with the characters as if they had an expression, and the state of mind resembled the sea, so I started talking at dawn. I wanted to show you the way of the heart by reflecting the light and energy I have in the darkness of clay as if the end would not be seen.
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Artwork Location

Exhibition and project history

Silk Road Project Korea, Palade Seoul Gallery

2014 ~ 2015
Silk Road Project Coohouse Art Gallery, Chelsea, New York

2019 Workers' Culture and Arts Festival [Art Division] Minister of Employment and Labor Award
*Blind episode attributed to the Ministry of Employment and Labor