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Ye-ki Lee(b.1985 Korean)

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live with a shift in perspective worthwhile. The first experience of its value was when parasailing on an island. At that time, the image of the island was different from the island and the sea that I saw when I was attached to the island. That's the outline box of the ceremony that I got out of for the first time.

We try to understand the world by what we see, but a more complete understanding can be approached by reflection of consciousness. Vision is limited to what I see face-to-face in a given space. Perspective is simple and hypocritical, and a sensible being can never have another way of recognition. We have nothing but our own state.

It is too close to the world to recognize the world, and the realm of ideology is necessary to recognize it. Therefore, I am working with the intention of moving my gaze closer and away from the surface of the world. I thought of it as reflection and aimed to see an endless, colorless, true 'he' world. But the essence is a means, not a goal. The 'he' world is close to my world, but it is a world that cannot be reached forever even with 'limited n-> ∞'. It is a 'conclusion without premise' that has never been premised. Our existence dissolves meaninglessly in the universe.

This reflection is a misguided reflection of the mainstreamer.
Recognizing perception always belongs to perception. You can't take yourself out of every situation. The non-reflective life of reflection and consciousness is relatable. This is because of human anthropological regulations. Destined to the body, to space, to the world.

Correct reflection is not doubting the world. It is not a familiar analysis that follows the world, nor is it that the essence is hidden behind nature, and it is not a concept that descends into nature, but a concept that rises. Fortunately, the non-reflective one is a little more valid after reflection, and the sixth reflection is more valid than the second reflection. Reflective analysis is to reject all of the world images I construct as false, not to produce secondary equivalents as true. The 'he' world is truly 'exemplified' by its disconnection with the world and 'assuming' it has been realized somewhere. The real world we live in is not to see, but to know by feeling. Gradually, it is a transition from 'seeing' to 'knowing'.

The word perception essentially refers to a direction rather than a function. Analysis of the smell, color, taste, shape, and power of position of apples is the regulation of apples that physicists have. It is the direction of the physicist. Integrating the perspectives of certain animals, certain humans, multiple animals, multiple humans, and multiple creatures that see apples will not be very different from those of 'our' apples in the 'he' Therefore, if it meets the only core of the existential meaning specified in each perspective (the inner nature of the perspective, the finiteness of the perception), all of those findings are true. So it should be said that the world is exactly what we perceive, not whether we really perceive the world or wonder and think empty.

The world is not a pure being, but a meaning that is reflected in the intersection of my experiences and the intersection between my experiences and the experiences of others. The true world lies in the hands of individuals. Holding those hands crossed, we stand proudly on our feet in the world. That's why I can't erase a little Dalmatian personified as a human being at all, no matter how far I'm away from the world.

Ultimately, kogito recognizes the finiteness of perception and continues to view (reflect). Continued finiteness is not the same as punishment in Shizip mythology, but a stage that is experienced and revived. In the first place, finiteness is not even a negative concept. Why does the word shade contain negative ideas when shade is essential to trees. The place where the miracle of perspective occurs, which is close to the world but does not make a visual or spiritual perspective an idea, is where the happiness tree is. No matter how far away from the world, I can't erase the small Dalmatians, many fruits open in one tree, and even if I try to draw a "no" tree with all the colors of leaves in all four seasons, I see green there with green.

The island series is the first source of seeing the outline of consciousness, and the tree series is the 'best' means. Since it is a working process that involves the effort of moving the gaze like that, each series may seem different.

There is no confusion in the true world.
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Educational background

Hongik University Graduate School of Art.


2013 World Artist Creation Contest Best Award

Artwork Location

It's owned by many domestic and foreign individuals.

Exhibition and project history

2022 WHITE SANDS x yeki art collaboration
2018 'dogs save dogs' Cadillac Korea Project
2014 ABSOLUT CITY CANVAS SEOUL Participates in Epsolut Vodka

a solo exhibition
2023 8th solo exhibition karas gallery
2022 7th solo exhibition gallery cafe point
2021 6th Solo Exhibition & Nut Company, Mondrian Hotel
2019 5th solo exhibition 'BLIND KILLER', Song Mi-young Gallery
2018 4th solo exhibition "Slowened Language, Innocence", Song Mi-young Gallery
2017 3rd solo exhibItion The Nanum Karas Gallery
2016 2nd solo exhibition YTN 비안빈
2014 1st Solo Exhibition Juyoung Gallery

a group exhibition
2023 "Nine Eyes" group exhibition, ArtSpace H
2021 Artcontinue group exhibition
2020 'To My Loved Ones' group exhibition, Song Mi-young Gallery
2017 "Eco bridge" exhibition, Seoul
2017 'Life Writers' Group Exhibition, Yongsan Art Hall
2016 Yongsan Community Center Permanent Exhibition
2016 ‘공존’ group exhibition, karas gallary
2013 Young Artist Festival group exhibition, The Capital Hotel, craft21
2013 'MULETA' group exhibition, gallery doodle
2012 Korea Young Artist Festival

an art fair
2023 Bank Art Fair, Art Space H
2021 Formative Art Show 2021 COEX, "Wiz Arts"
2018 Hong Kong harbour art fair, Song Mi-young
2017 Hwarang Art Festival, Nine Gallery
2014 SOAF, craft21
2013 Blanc Bleu Art, Novotel Ambassador Hotel
2013 Korea Art Summer Fastival , SETEC