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Eun-hwa Son(b.1966 Korean

VR View
I was walking in the forest.
The sky was clear and the wind gently waved the branches.
Blue leaves such as sharp teeth overlap countless times, and the cold bright light squeezes through.
The forest is as beautiful and chilling as it could be.
I recall the deep, dark times lurking in this clarity.
Dutayeon is a beautiful forest with mines. The words on the sign "control zone" that are sometimes found passing by arouse considerable curiosity.
And yet I do not attempt to cross or cross the forbidden realm.
Because I'm talking about the forest, in terms of my area of life. Because I didn't want to draw a trajectory of any departure.
My walk is always set, and I have to take the set course through that set path. It's all planned out and I go into the woods with the correct route every time and then naturally get out after a relaxing walk.
One day, after learning that the peaceful walk in the forest was also a deathbed, I was thrown into confusion.
The places where I took a walk with my family turned out to be a place where a series of sad accidents happened... The trail I walked to seek peace and comfort was a space of death, sadness, pain and fear for someone.
I don't have the confidence to face it now. For someone, the healing space with the fear of death, the forest, was a place where life and death coexist. As always I'm going into the woods but I don't want to face the truths there. My feet walk along the forest path as if led, but my eyes just look up as if I'm turning away from the facts. And I think. After all, the issue of life and death in our lives was not an option. It is perhaps fateful. This is because life itself is inseparable from death. Life is completed by death, and only in the face of death can we reflect on the meaning of life.
The forest is like a society. The inside of the forest is like the inside of a man. What if you can't get out of this deep forest? I think of my lonely end that no one will know. There is a cold blue sky above the trees that seem to be looking down on my end with a cold gaze.
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Member of the Korean Watercolor Writers' Association
Member for Hamori, Art Group
a member of the Hongik Art Association
a member of an art organization
Member for Olive Green Art
a member of the Korean Cultural Heritage Arts Association
a member of the Writers' Association of Korea

Educational background

Department of Painting, Seoul Digital University
Department of Painting, Graduate School of Fine Arts, Hongik University


Suncheon Art Exhibition Special Selection
Special Selection for the Korean Painting Competition
Korean Traditional Culture and Arts Exhibition
a special selection
Pyeongchang Olympic Memorial Exhibition Award for Outstanding Performance
many others

Artwork Location

Exhibition and project history



Eun-hwa Son(b.1966 Korean Art works