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Young-ryeo Jo(b.1962 Korean)

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The theme of my work is 'Horse'. Emotions often come from emotions experienced in practice. hope, courage, and hope that have become familiar through horseback riding,
Emotions naturally focused on an object called an energizing horse draw fast to express momentary emotions and feelings
It goes to work. In addition to this, powerful brush touches and colorful colors are added to create a more lively work. Each
Always recognize that the elements should have an organic rhythm toward the subject and center and that the monotonous screen should be composed in a changed way
A new work is conceived by focusing on the physical properties and formative elements of various materials. Sense sometimes comes from the unconscious. I'm going to
I don't draw, but I create the object in my own way. So I'm always dancing with a horse.
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Members of the Reimbursement Corporation

Educational background

2024 Attending the Department of Culture and Arts Education at the Graduate School of Education at Dong-A University


2022 ~ 2023 Korea Art Exhibition Award for Western Painting Design
2020 ~ 2023 Gyeomjae Jingyeong Art Exhibition Western Painting Award
2019 ~ 2023 Awarded in the contest
2019 ~ 2023 Busan Art Exhibition Western Painting Award
2020, 2021, 2023 Winning the Wooden Competition in Western Painting

Artwork Location

Green Umbrella Children's Foundation (Seoul, Busan Regional Headquarters)
Michigan Dentistry
Universe Sports Management
MK Dance Arcademy and many others

Exhibition and project history

solo exhibition
2023 Art International Zurich
2023 Keep Dreaming - Von Fraunberg Art Gallery
2023 Dream with Horses - Gyeomjae Jeongseon Museum of Art
2022 Dream World - Incheon Free Economic Zone G-Gallery
2022 Horse Museum Invitation Exhibition - Horse Museum of Korea Racing Authority
2022 Dream Together - espace Sorbonne 4
2022 To My Heart's - Saga Prefectural Museum of Art
2022 YOU, IN MY HEART & SOUL - espace Sorbonne4
2022 Seojin Art Space Creative Planning Invitation Exhibition
2022 CGV's Invitational Artist Exhibition - Art Continue
2020 to 2023 Carujeld Louvre Art Shopping
2020 BFAA

Group exhibition
2022 Art Festival of France Paris Beyond the Untac Era
2021 ~ 2022 Art Festival in France Paris
2021 Rising Star Special Exhibition - Art Continue

art fair
2023 Art Fair Daegu
2021, 2023 BAMA
2021 Bank Art Fair
Hotel International Art Fair 2021 etc.