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Song-A Yun(b.1986 Korean)

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Camels represent modern people. The humps represent the burdens that modern people carry and the responsibilities that we are given. But they are the lifeblood of camels, or soon they can survive in the desert. The burdens that we carry can be our own challenges and our own reasons for our survival.

"Sun" stands for goal, and "Shadow" stands for reality. Although we are moving toward our goal amid tough reality, our dreams are not easy to achieve, and we have entered the wrong path and wandered through our shadows. However, it also contains a hopeful message that if we keep our dreams and keep working hard, we will be able to achieve our goals.
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Ambassador for the Korea Art Association
Korean Children's Art Therapy Association Ambassador
Ambassador for Seoul Metropolitan Government's Art Education Support Project for Deaf Youth
Ambassador for Youth Psychological Support in Seoul Metropolitan Government
Ambassador for MIAF Myeongdong International Art Festival
2019 Global Art Fair Singapore Ambassador
Ambassador for the 2019 Korea-China-Japan Art Exchange Exhibition for the Disabled
2023 Seoul Art Show Ambassador
2022-23 Andeppang Korea International Art Fair Ambassador
International Association of Andromalo
an honorary art therapist's license

Educational background

Bachelor of Arts in the Department of Painting, Hongik University


2005 LG Wallpaper Selected Excellent Design for Flooring
2006 7th Shin Saimdang Art Exhibition "Special"
2012 World Artist Creation Contest 2nd place "Special Award"
2013 Young Artist Project "awards of excellence"
2013 Korean Literature and Arts Award 'Art category'
2013 France, International Association of Andremalo ' Young Writers Award'
2014 Singapore Ambassador Award
2015 Hope Sharing Grand Prize (Citation of Members of the National Assembly)
2015 Korea Art Therapy Awards
2016 International Human Olympics - 'Grand Prize' in art
2016 South Korean Art Exhibition 'Special' - Non-conceived category
2016 Asian Arts Awards - Outstanding Achievement Award in Costume
2019 Shandong Art Exhibition in China 'Eunsang'
2020 8th Korea Creative Culture & Art Exhibition 'Special'
2021 29th Korea Culture & Entertainment Awards "NFT ART" Award
2021 Grand Prize 'Art Artist' Award for 10 People Who Shined Korea
The 16th Korean Traditional Culture Content Awards 2022 won the 'Art category'

Artwork Location

Korean acoustics
Daewoong Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd
Yeosu Art Land
Covos Hotel
Seoul Economic Promotion Agency
Big Ocean I.M
IP Shop
Gwangju Museum of Art
Hidden Sequence
A bigger hospital, Gimhae
Besides that,

Exhibition and project history