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Catur-Agung Nugroho(b.1999 Wonosobo)

In essence, humans can never be separated from nature/their environment. Both are related to each other. Nature is a reflection of humans themselves, so as humans we should continue to protect it. In my exploration of the painting, I discovered something interesting regarding the random arrangement of every tree, twig and grass in the forest, as well as patches of moss that form certain patterns. Visually it appeals to me. An abstract and non-representational arrangement that makes it possible to build a broader interpretation of how we interpret nature. The monochrome blue color that I chose was considered capable of representing what I wanted to convey. This color gives the impression of peace, tranquility, harmony and reflection. Reflects the relationship between humans and nature and builds a nuance of introspection to reflect on the relationship between the two, as well as the importance of protecting nature. I made these paintings as a form of gratitude for the nature we live in, as well as a message for us to continue to protect it because we see the current increasingly worrying condition of nature.
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2018 ISI Yogyakarta

Educational background


Artwork Location

Best works at the 2020 Edu Art Awards Exhibition
One of the 2021 UOB-POY Finalists

Exhibition and project history

Risan Karya Museum
Nandur Thrown 7
Special Project Joja Art Week 2020
Asana Bina Seni 2022 of Biennial Joja