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Eun-byul Shim(b.1991 Korean)

VR View
Where are we came from Where do they go?
Vast space where I live in the universe, everything you are thinking at the same time to enable the transcendent space.
The mystery and variety of the universe, the beautiful canvas in the sense of color.

Inspired everything in the eye as soon as.
I'd like to express, as we feel.
Rolling through the heart become anything touching thing is that the various material.
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Educational background


2021 Na Hye-sok specially selected art contest.
2021 Hyehwa Arts Center team buseujeon
Participation prize the conversation in 2021 of the Republic of Korea target.
War of Contemporary Art in 2020, a prize.
An Gyeon 2020, art contest a prize.

Artwork Location

Exhibition and project history

Eun-byul Shim(b.1991 Korean) Art works