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Son-joo Choi(b.1975 Korean)

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For modern people who live a busy life, longing for "rest" is like finding water in the desert. It is time to think of past memories through "rest," recover wounds and sorrows, and discover the meaning of life to check the future direction.
The artist tried to express the time to dream a new dream by setting the medium of "rest" as the theme of "chair" through a vast sea trip.The background was set as a sea that opened the stuffy mind through a wide view.
In the reality of living a short life, even if you are given time to relax in a chair, you often don't feel comfortable.However, the chair at the travel destination is more friendly because it is not a soft and comfortable chair.The artist focuses on chairs that are uniquely drawn, not on familiar chairs that he usually sees as if he meets new people at a travel destination and has a new feeling. The medium of "chair" expresses "rest" in which the body and soul rest while sitting, but true "rest" gives meaning to the author through new encounters and experiences to talk about true rest.In other words, for the author, a true "rest" is an experience of meeting a new oasis beyond the comfort of the body.
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Director of the Happy Art Museum Education Center

Educational background

Dankook University Graduated from Master of Fine Arts Education
Doctor of Culture and Arts, Dankook University


2014 Copa Art Exhibition Special Selection
Encourage the 2016 Tokyo Invitational Tournament

Artwork Location

Exhibition and project history

2014 Phase Exhibition of Korean Painting
2016 Insadong People's Exhibition
Department of Fine Arts Education, Graduate School of Education, Dankook University (7th Danmi Society)
2022 Dankook University Graduate School of Education Art Education (8th Danmi Society)
Son-joo Choi(b.1975 Korean) Art works