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Se-myeong Lee(b.1979 Korean)

VR View
Moving the landscape to the canvas began with an exploration of the instant and lyrical realism of a familiar space from a new perspective.

Nights are distorted and glorified rather than clear as darkness settles, changing according to the emotions of the viewers.
Many of the beauties that passed by are unconscious, playful,
The everyday scenery projected at night is recognized as a sensitive and sentimental object.

Rather than delivering moral messages through works, I think it is the planarization of the image that gives sensuous pleasure with emotions so that the subject feels concise with rhythmic and diverse textures. I would like to express the afterglow of the shady time permeated into the space in more detail to express various interests in life.

Watching as the viewer wants to see, expressing as the author sees, and the two's supernaturalness could soon be win-win or incompatible. At the moment when I put it down completely and worked, I expressed my working energy under the current theme of being honest in front of all processes and reflecting on the present.
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Educational background

Graduated from the art department of Daegu Catholic University.


2019 Geumgang Art Exhibition Special.
2015 Geumgang Art Exhibition Special.
2009 Japan New Face Artist Exhibition/Gallery Award.

Artwork Location

Seoul City Hall
Busan Isam Hospital
Jeongsu Art Center
Dongnam Consulting and others.

Exhibition and project history

solo exhibition
2020 The Night Individual Exhibition (Personnel Art Plaza)
2018 3 The night 3 (Nut Gallery)
2017 2 The night 2 (Daegu Bongsan Cultural Center)
2016 1 The night 1 (Daegu Bongsan Cultural Center)

an art fair
2019 Gyeongnam Art Fair Daegu Art Fair
2017 Coaf Art Fair (Busan), Coaf Art Fair

a group exhibition
2021 Art Continu Opening Invitation (Seoul Art Continu)
2019 GALLERY C Finding Young Artists 展 III (Daejeon)
2010 Tow Now Double ONE Four-person Exhibition (Daegu Bongsan Cultural Center), 14th ORAGE Exhibition (Seoul)
2009 Happens/Gallery Fast
Daegu 13th ORAGE Exhibition (Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Art, Japan), Jeongsu Art Center "Scenery Place" Exhibition
Se-myeong Lee(b.1979 Korean) Art works