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Min-jeong Park(Korean)

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Hong Ik Women's Flower Association

Educational background

1997 Berlin University of Arts, Brownschweik University of Plastic Arts (M.F.A), Germany
Diplom, Mr. Schuller Prof. Thomas Bernich
1989 Hongik University College of Fine Arts Western Painting (B.F.A.A)


Rollai Meisterschuller Scholarship, Germany

Artwork Location

Dream Solution
Edam Psychological Counseling Center
Dr. Kim Ki-soo
Professor Woo-Sung Park

Exhibition and project history

Solo exhibition
2022 Galleria Challenge, Seoul
2022 "Metamorphosen Space of Thought, Jeong Moon-gyu Museum of Art, Paju
2019 "Flowing-Geometry" Gallery, Seoul
1998 Guanhun Gallery Invitation Exhibition, Guanhun Gallery, Seoul
1997 "97' Meisterscheuler Ausstellung" Brown Schweik Gallery, Germany

Group exhibition
2018-22 Hongik Route, Homa Museum of Art
2018-22 Wow Competition, H Gallery
2019-20 Sensory Reason, H Gallery
2000 Wall Dictionary, Art Museum of the Arts Promotion Agency
2000 Artist-made Books (Art Book Making), Arts Center of the Arts Promotion Agency
2000 Party Spirit Exhibition, KEPCO Plaza Planning Invitation Exhibition, KEPCO Plaza Gallery
2000 Millennium Planning Invitation Exhibition, New Millennium Light, KEPCO Plaza Gallery
2000 Gwangju Biennale Special Exhibition, Human Forest, Painting Forest, Pavilion, Gwangju
1999 Asropa International Exhibition of Jesus Christ, Austria
1998 Han River Flag Development, Yeouido Park
1997 Natur-Mensch-Umwelt.Shoine City Hall, St.Andreiberg, Germany
1997 Meisterschuler Ausstellung, Culture and Arts Center, Brown Schweik, Germany
1995 Klass Virnich, Brownschweik Gallery, Germany
1988 Facing War, Yoon Gallery
1988 New Artist Exhibition, Palace Gallery
1988 SILENCE V, Dongduk Gallery
1988 Mask & Work, Hongik University, Wow Kwan

Art fair
2019-22 Gallery Art Festival
KIAF, Ulsan Art Fair, Gwangju International Art Fair, Asia Contemporary Art Show, SCAF, etc