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Sara(b.1968 Korean)

VR View
Sara's sunflowers don't just symbolize life, luck, or money luck. I tried to create a noble work with a universal human heart that seeks eternal life and eternal happiness by integrating jewelry and gemstones that symbolize eternity with paintings. (Precious jewelry, gemstones, and accessories collected by the artist were used.)

I am a poet and fairy tale writer who loves painting enthusiastically, and I am pouring my whole heart into my sunflower painting with my passion for art that has continued my long career as a poet and exhibition director. My painting time is a time to dilute pain, a time to conceive new hope, and a time to burn the artistic soul. Sara's jewel sunflowers will long be brightly and intensely colored with a firm belief to give new life and new energy of hope to many.
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Educational background

Graduated from Kyunggi University majoring in Korean Language and Literature


Artwork Location

Exhibition and project history

January 4th to February 4th 2022 Sindorim Hyundai Department Store avant gallery invitation exhibition
February 25th to February 27th, 2022 Seoul Hotel Art Fair art gallery invitation
March 8th to 31st, 2022 Yongsan I'Park Mall avant gallery invitation exhibition
April 23rd~June 16th 2022 exhibition at Nonhyeon-dong Gallery
April 23rd to June 16th, 2022 Seoul Culture Promotion Center Invitational Exhibition
2021 October 13th - October 19th Invitational Exhibition at Insadong's Chagallery
November 1st~30th, 2021 Yongsan I'Park Mall avant gallery individual exhibition