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Ho-sik Sin(b.1958 Korean)

VR View
My abstract work began in 1995 with experiments in brushstrokes and space, followed by tube form to tube and hexahedron, the most basic form of three-dimensional space since 2010. The hexahedron is the most basic form that can give a three-dimensional welcome to a two-dimensional screen, and the arrangement of these hexahedrons creates a sense of perspective and space. Visual experiments starting with a number of arranged hexahedrons as the base material have been developed in several different ways.

First, it is a method of adding a pattern of triangles over each face in hexahedrons. The divided faces are divided into shapes and patterns according to color, and at the same time, the patterns of triangles connected to the shape of the hexahedron arranged by color are visually opposed. Like Figure-ground relationships, shapes and patterns create visual visions.
Second, it is a method of cutting corners of arranged hexahedrons into a pyramid shape or cutting them into a triangular pillar (prism) shape from the sides of the hexahedron. In this process, the arranged hexahedrons, which were the existing frames, disappear and a combination of new forms appears.
The third experiment is a method of dismantling the existing hexahedron form and creating a completely different form and space by dividing the arranged hexahedrons into smaller pieces and intentionally erasing some of the segments.

Work starts with materials and theories, but results are not pre-planned. Sketch is the process of creating a connection by adding forms, that is, making the screen an organic space, and as the sketch and coloring progresses, the overall outline of the work is gradually revealed. While sketching, unexpected forms may come out, and the role of space may be reversed by coloring. For example, the color determines whether one side is up, down, or side of a hexahedron, or whether the shape protrudes or is included. As such, the two processes of sketching and coloring rely entirely on the senses, so the moment you draw a line, create a color, and paint, is a series of choices. This constant process of choice creates tension and at the same time creates new challenges and excitement.

As a result, the combination of form, color, and space that can be created within a single screen is endless, and it sometimes brings about predictable and sometimes completely unintended visual results. Since my work is a diverse and constant experiment of form, color, and space, one work is an essential process of the next work, and it implies the possibility of the next work, and it motivates another idea; I always learn the most from my previous work.
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Educational background

1993-1995 Graduated from the Graduate School of Fine Arts, Art Institute, Chicago
1994 semester abroad program, Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam, Netherlands
1989 Dongguk University Graduate School of Fine Arts, Seoul


Artwork Location

Exhibition and project history

Solo Exhibition
2011 Insa Gallery Individual Exhibition (4 times), Seoul
2004 Insa Gallery Individual Exhibition (3 times), Seoul
2001 Insa Gallery Individual Exhibition (2 times), Seoul
1999 Insa Gallery Individual Exhibition (1 time), Seoul

Group Exhibition
2015 Insa Gallery 2 Person Exhibition, Seoul

Art fair
2015 KIAF COEX, Insa Gallery, Seoul
2004 KIAF Coex, Insa Gallery, Seoul
2001 Gallery Art Festival, Seoul Arts Center
2000 Gwangju Biennale, Gwangju
2000 May Art Fair, Insa Gallery, Seoul
1995 MFA Show, Gallery 2, Chicago
Ho-sik Sin(b.1958 Korean) Art works