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Young-cheol kim(b.1958 Korean)

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Painting and longing have the same etymology. Miss is to think of what you want to see.
The mystery of painting work is to express what you want to see but cannot see, and to create a new world of senses by expressing what you have always seen unfamiliarly. The mystery begins in the unknown beyond the human world
Nietzsche said that if you go into solitude with creation, justice will follow you with a limp. Creation is God's domain, so justice in the human cognitive structure will always follow, right? Creation was God's domain and art is almost the only way humans can enter God's domain.
Ancient Greek mythology features a half-god figure, such as Centaur and Pan, with the lower body of a wild animal standing firmly on the ground and its upper body standing upright toward the sky. This figure contains a terrible paradox between human ideals and desires. While reading the myth, I thought that the half-body symbolizes no other than human beings. It is not a coincidence that the half-shinbansu was expressed as a person who is good at art. Art is the realm of God that only humans can imitate
It served as a record of a very distant painting. What man records means the beginning of history The series "Into History," which I worked on for a long time, tried to revive the original meaning of the painting and capture the beauty that humans have pursued for many years. In other words, it is a report on the history of art.
Among the works of poet Ryu Si-hwa, there is a poem that starts with "Hiding behind a tree is different from hiding in a fog." It was a very inspiring sentence for me, but I could feel the atmosphere of the foggy pine forest because I had a memory of growing up at the foot of Namsan Mountain when I was young. A mysterious scene where the fog, which has disappeared without a trace after climbing up the pine trees and the forest, which have been standing solemnly in one place for hundreds of years, meets in perpetuity and moment. Mysterious is also an unknown area, that is, it implies artistic properties. The recent "Pine Tree Forest" is the work of contemplating the beautiful appearance of pine trees and the lives of humans passing by like fog.
I think the writer is Centaur with a brush that records the things he misses, casts a new eye on the things he looked at complacently, and creates and shows the unknown world. Living as an artist means constantly observing, contemplating, and working. This fierce calling looms heavily.
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Professor of Education, Graduate School of Education, Kyung Hee University
President of the Society for the Performing Arts, Na Seolak
Director of the Naesorak Public Art Museum
Secretary-General of the Korean Art Association
Vice President of the Korea Watercolor Association
Vice-Chairman of the International Arts Center Construction Committee

Educational background

Graduated from the Department of Fine Arts, Chugye University of Arts, Western Studies
Graduated from the Graduate School of Education, Konkuk University


2002 Grand Prize in the Art Division of the Korean Federation of Artists

Artwork Location

2003 Cheong Wa Dae, National Museum of Modern Art, Japanese Embassy, Philippine Museum of Contemporary Art, Korean Embassy in the Philippines, National Defense Commission, Defense Hotel, Commercial Bank, Inner Seorak Public Museum, etc

Exhibition and project history

Solo exhibition; 24th) Lotte Gallery, Seoul Arts Center, LeCiel Gallery, etc

Group exhibition; domestic and international invitation exhibition and group exhibition 650 times